Trending Baby Names
Having trouble deciding on a baby name? No pressure but, it’s kind of important. Your child will of course, carry that name forever! That’s why you need to pick the right one that fits your baby perfectly. But don’t worry! We’ve found some unique trending baby names that are super popular this year!
Vintage Names

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Everly – Everly is a gender-neutral baby name of British origin, and means boar or woodland clearing. Though Everly has some interesting connotations, the place it comes from may be more your thing. Between Britain’s rolling countryside and shining cities, Everleigh is an English village full of wonder, charm, and history.
Arlo – In some regions of England, the name Arlo translates to “fortified hill.” The name Arlo was first mentioned in the English poet Edmund Spenser’s poem “The Faerie Queene” in 1590, as the name of a fictional place name theorized to be from the Irish-Gaelic Aherlow meaning “between two highlands.”
Mary – The name Mary was derived from the ancient Hebrew name Miriam. Miriam was the name of Moses’ sister in the Old Testament of the Bible. Mary was the most popular baby name for girls in America for over sixty years, from the 1880s until the year 1946.
Confident Names
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Felix – Felix is a baby boy name of Latin origin. Meaning “happy” and “fortunate,” the name Felix can represent your proud admiration for baby. This baby name has been famous in North America, South America, and Africa for centuries.
Theo – Theo is a gender-neutral name of Greek origin meaning “God’s gift.” Theo also has many beautiful variations in Greek and German, including Theodore, Theodosia, and Thea granting an array of options for naming baby.
Roman – The name Roman has various origins, but the most commonly referred to one is the Hebrew origin which means “strong, powerful.” Roman is also used to refer to people who descended from Rome. It derives from the Latin name Romanus.
2022 Trending Baby Names – Our picks
Interstellar Names
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Leo – Stemming from the Latin word for lion, the name Leo dates back centuries. In German, it has its own translation, serving as a short version of Leon or Leopold most often and meaning “brave people” or “lion-hearted.” It is also the name of the fifth sign in the astrological zodiac, and there is a constellation named Leo as well.
Luna – The name Luna means “moon” in Latin and in several languages with Latin roots, including Spanish and Italian. In ancient Roman mythology, Luna was the moon goddess.
Aurora – Aurora is a mystical and romantic name that means “dawn” in Latin. An aurora also refers to a natural light display in the Earth’s sky called the aurora polaris, or polar lights, visible only in high-latitude regions like the North and South Poles. Walt Disney named the protagonist of its 1959 film “Sleeping Beauty” Aurora. In the Disney adapted tale, however, the princess gave birth to a set of twins, naming the girl twin Aurora.
Nature-Inspired Names
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Olive – The name Olive is girl’s name of English origin meaning “olive tree”. Olive has positive associations to the olive branch as a symbol of peace and the ancient olive wreath that celebrated success.
Willow – Willow is a feminine name of Old English origin meaning “willow tree.” It’s from the word welig, which is the Old English for “willow.” These graceful trees are known for their elegant, “willowy” structure and ability to grow and prosper despite unfavorable conditions.
Lily – Lily is an English name used in reference to the popular white, showy flower. It signifies purity and innocence.
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Happy shopping!