Recently we held a fundraiser for Barnabus, a charity that helps the homeless, based in Manchester. This year, Barnabus has reached a landmark 25 years Anniversary of providing life-changing support to the homeless. They offer a lifeline to 600 visiting homeless and vulnerable people each week, many of whom have severe addictions or mental health issues and also don’t have family to rely on and help them. Barnabus supports their needs and does amazing things to help them get back into mainstream society. They have also received the ‘unsung heroes’ Queens award for Voluntary Service, but only rely entirely on donations.

About Barnabus
Last year Barnabus supported 2,496 individual people, 66% of those are rough sleepers. Barnabus also had 20,711 visits to their drop-in. Barnabus offers a warm welcome, hot food, showers, clothing, healthcare, hope, befriending, peer mentoring, support, activities! Also, their support team offer help with emergency accommodation, rehabilitation, debt intervention, training employment, personal growth and resettlement into private tenancies.
Big Brew Fundraiser
Our fundraiser was an amazing friends and family affair, with Auntie Alison and Auntie Deb on tea and coffee duty! We even had our photographer/neighbour Dave on photo duty! We are so thankful to everyone who attended and donated whatever they could, as we raised a fantastic £300 for Barnabus from the Big Brew! We are so happy the afternoon was a success, all for such an incredible cause. We had lots of delicious cakes and drinks, amazing company, a raffle and games! Even a ‘Guess the Name’ of the Bear competition! We named the bear Peter after Barnabus’ founder Peter Green, as in 1991 he took to the streets of the Manchester with a bag of sandwiches and a thermos flask, meeting the homeless and helping those in need.
Amelia has always had a strong belief that ‘everyone deserves a home’, and she would always give as much as she could to the people she saw unfortunately living on the streets. At That’s mine we recognise how lucky and blessed we are to have loving homes, food and water, and families, and we are always looking to be able to use this to give back to the community.
Manchester 10k Run for Barnabus
The £300 raised is added to Amelia’s fundraising, as she is training to run the Manchester 10k soon, running for Barnabus! We would be so incredibly grateful if you would like to donate to Amelia’s fundraising for Barnabus:
Homelessness is unfortunately a growing problem, so if you would like to donate to this worthy cause or simply find out more, follow these links:
Barnabus, 61 Bloom St, Manchester M1 3LY t: 0161 237 3223 charity reg no.1174410