Here’s a lil something for all the animal lovers out there! It’s World Animal Day tomorrow and have you ever wondered where you can find the cutest safari themed soft toys? Look no further, because we’ve got a list of our top personalised Jellycat wild animals; the perfect gift for a loved one, to match your animal-themed nursery, or to celebrate World Animal Day!
World Animal Day is an international day of action for animal rights and welfare celebrated annually on October 4, the feast day of Francis of Assisi, the patron saint of animals. We celebrate World Animal Day in order to raise the status of animals in order to improve animal welfare standards around the globe.

Jellycat Wild Animals
Going Bananas
If a monkey is your fave, maybe that’s because you’re the class clown! You love to be goofy and never take things to seriously. Monkeys love having fun, entertaining others and monkeying around! Made of beautiful silky smooth Bashful fur in a scrummy creamy chocolatey colour, this monkey swings through the trees as fast as can be, to become a number one playmate- understandably!
We’re ear for you
Elephants are highly intelligent animals who have very complex emotions and self-awareness. The largest land animals develop deep social connections with their families and care a lot. They can actually recognise themselves in a mirror! With gorgeous grey fur and such a sweet face, this flopsy-eared friend is a bundle of cuddles!
Foxes are beautiful animals, with cute faces and bushy tails! What’s special about the fox is they are very intriguing, intelligent, athletic, and very playful. Cheeky little Bashful Fox is a jiffly ginger cub with fluffy white ears, feet and tail-tip. In gentle ginger baby-soft fur, this calming cub is a tussle of hugs, with a cute snoot, tail and perky ears.
The mane man
The king of the jungle! Lions symbolise strength, confidence and wisdom. They stand their ground and are always the leader. For the King of the Beasts, Bashful Lion is looking sweetly, well, bashful! He wants a caring companion to ruffle his luxurious caramel mane.
Un-bear-lievably cute
Personalised Jellycat bumbly bear small teddy soft toy
Personalised Jellycat bumbly bear medium teddy soft toy
Teddy bears have big open arms and are always ready for a cuddle. Offering warmth and protection, bears may be your favourite because they are powerful, protective animals. They symbolise strength, family and courage.
Make sure you check out all these options and many more, and also our giftboxes and gift cards, making it extra special for those new bundles of joy.
Happy shopping!